Modern boilers for economy

According to the instructions 2009/125 / EC on “Eco-Design”, the instruction 2010/30 / EU on “Energy Labeling” and the EU Regulations 811, 812 813, 814/2013, of the European Commission, determined Eco-design and energy labeling of energy-using products. This was done simultaneously across the EU. And has been applied since 1/08/2015 by replacing the built-in circulators of the appliances with the corresponding high energy efficiency circulators and has been applied since 26/09/2015 for heating and hot water production products.

The main reason for applying of the ErP “Energy Related Products”, is climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions and other gases responsible for climate change. With the applying of the Kyoto Protocol specific objectives were set to reduce CO2 emissions, promote RES and energy savings. Just two months later, the 27 Heads of State and Government committed themselves to these goals, known as 20-20-20 targets. The main purpose of the instruction is to make it simpler to choose the most energy-efficient product so that CO2 emissions are reduced and energy costs reduced.

Saving – Sustainable buildings

It is in our nature to seek continuous contact with the outside environment by taking a ride on our bike, organizing excursions, or even looking for a tour or a walk. Many times we recall the pleasant feeling of the environment in the countryside, the fresh air! We tend to want to be outside closed areas because most of the buildings were not built to meet our basic needs and, above all, did not have as a basic criterion the concepts of Health and Well-being.

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Presentation of the DGNB Rating System


This employment it focuses on the system developed and managed by the German Safe Building Council, DGNB, for the certification of Sustainable Buildings and Urban Areas and defines the approach of DGNB as part of the wider Sustainable construction development. This article is an introduction to the DGNB Certification System, which aims to support designers and construction companies to implement sustainable applications in buildings and construction of urban areas, as well as to maintain and improve existing sustainable buildings. A key issue to be dealt with in more detail is how the DGNB system goes beyond a conventional “green” building, eg. Environmental pollutants and responsible procurement of building materials, and facilitates assessment, which reflects society’s objectives for social, economic and environmental sustainability, and taking into account the life-cycle performance of the building and the environmental impact.

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The “economic life” of sustainable buildings

Sustainable buildings are tested to what extent can he perform the design that done during the life of the building. As mentioned in the previous articles, any additional capital cost for eco-friendly buildings, as well as any increases in market value or rental premiums, are due to the performance of the plumbing benefits related to two main reasons:

1. Reducing operating and maintenance costs
2. Productivity and health benefits.

In this article we will explore the savings that can be achieved with sustainable buildings based on operating costs.

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How much does Sustainability cost?

In our previous article on Building Sustainability, we mainly developed the significant benefits of a sustainable construction in the field of health and well-being in accordance with measurements and in-depth investigations made to building occupants. We presented Health and Well-Being to the buildings and its benefits. But what other benefits can these practices have from investors? What is the extra cost for a sustainable construction?

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The absolute Case Study of gas

During the winter season the temperature drop is felt and the process of searching for the optimal heating mode is in progress by the interested consumers. Now solutions are being sought for fuels other than heating oil which although there was a small reduction in STC (Special Consumption Tax) the mood value remains high. Natural gas and this year is the main choice for consumers and in particular with the in-house subsidy program implemented under the CPDF (Corporate Pact for Development Framework) 2007-2013 Operational Program, the duration of which will be until 30 April 2015.

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