The absolute Case Study of gas

During the winter season the temperature drop is felt and the process of searching for the optimal heating mode is in progress by the interested consumers. Now solutions are being sought for fuels other than heating oil which although there was a small reduction in STC (Special Consumption Tax) the mood value remains high. Natural gas and this year is the main choice for consumers and in particular with the in-house subsidy program implemented under the CPDF (Corporate Pact for Development Framework) 2007-2013 Operational Program, the duration of which will be until 30 April 2015.

To avoid distortions should take as a reference the following data:
Reference data:

1. Energy certificate of the house which informs us about the energy consumption per sq.m. Knowing that most residences belong to groups H to Z (Based on the electronic file from YPEKA), the example we are looking at has an energy consumption of 110 to 180 kWh / m2, with consumption for heating and hot water (ZNX) of about 90-150 kWh / m2.
2. The residence is located in Attica.
3. The square meters of the residence are about 110.
4. The apartment is connected to the central heating system (central boiler – burner):

a. One-pipe heating system or
b. Two-pipe heating system

5. The new plant includes detachment from the central heating and installation of a wall-mounted condensing boiler-burner. Existing radiators are not required to be replaced.
6. The cost of heating oil per year is 890 € / year (about 1.1 € / liter, 800 lt heating / year.) (Read the whole article)